<p>The issue of abortion, although it has been discussed for decades, is not becoming any less burning question, for both its advocates and opponents go on repeating the same arguments again and again. And it is only natural - it is one of these issues the perception of which may never change, no matter how different the outside world becomes. For, although scientific progress may make some things different, it never brings any alterations in ethical questions. The proponents of abortion call themselves the &#8220;pro-choicers&#8221;, which sounds like a fantastically elaborate cynicism. What choice do they mean? It isn&#8217;t the child&#8217;s choice to be conceived; it isn&#8217;t the child&#8217;s choice to be killed. They say that only woman has the right to decide whether to keep or kill her child; applying a very peculiar shortsightedness, they pretend that the human being whose life we speak about has nothing to do with this decision. Yes, woman has choice in this matter, but it has long ago been done when the child is conceived.</p><br /><br /><p>The woman could have chosen differently when she had made the child&#8217;s conception possible, but she didn&#8217;t - then she has no more right to decide on this life. This sample article is the product of our essay writer. When people talk about abortion, they speak about the power of human being over the nature and that the modern level of science&#8217;s development makes it possible to revert usual physical processes. Abortion Essay Writing Outline is, however, a rather vicious variety of doublespeak. It is not reverting, it is a violent intrusion. It is not power over nature, it is power over human beings that do already exist, but are incapable of defending themselves. If it is a felony to kill a newborn child, why is it alright to kill him or her before the birth? Persuasive Essay On Abortion or Against Abortion Essay for Money with the reasoning here, but the &#8220;pro-choicers&#8221; don&#8217;t see it. They say that woman has a right to decide what to do with her body. Yet, it is not her body that she decides to destroy. <i>This content has been generated by Essay Writers !</i></p><br /><br /><p>Here you explain why it is difficult to establish a solid stance on the topic. &#8220;Discursive writing does not argue for or against a point throughout the essay&#8221;. Knowing in advance which points you will discuss will help during the actual writing process. Make sure that each point has a counterargument. For example, if you have 3 points for one side, you should have 3 points against it to balance it out. Argumentative Essay On Abortion -Sample Essay - Gudwriter.com ensures your argument is unbiased as well as thorough. Hint: Try to choose strong and valid points that would be difficult to argue against. This makes it more exciting and informative to the reader when you DO introduce its counter-argument. The points should descend in order from strongest argument to least supportive argument. Alternate back and forth between each perspective to illustrate the argument. Think of it like a &#8220;ping-pong&#8221; match. Each individual argument is a paragraph.</p><br /><br /><p>Now that you&#8217;ve fully outlined your essay, it&#8217;s time to flesh it out. Establish credibility by citing valid sources. Don&#8217;t believe everything you read. Look for scientific studies or valid statistics. Hard facts enrich any argument. Your tone should be neutral throughout the body, giving each point its turn to truly speak. Try to be as thorough and unbiased as possible. In the last paragraph you will wrap up the argument by stating your personal stance on the issue. Try to explain why you feel the way you do, and if you don&#8217;t actually have an opinion, try to define as to why that is. Mention again why the issue is important and should be evaluated further. Stay in formal third person perspective throughout the body. Before you begin writing, you should create a &#8220;spider-diagram&#8221;, or &#8220;mind-map&#8221; to help clearly relate your points. When writing the separate arguments, try to pretend as though a person from that specific viewpoint &#8220;has the floor&#8221;. Pretend as though you are trying to convince another person of that viewpoint, even if you don&#8217;t necessarily agree with it. Make sure to keep a third person writing style, though.</p>