<p>Get started early. Most likely, you'll bounce around from topic to topic until one sticks. You'll need time to rebound and to change topics. College professors recommend that you get started on your research paper the day it is assigned. The more time and effort you put into it, the better your grade will be. So get started now. Examine the assignment. If you are in school, you'll need to read the prompt provided by your teacher. If you are writing a research paper for your job, know what your employer expects. Your paper will undoubtedly have guidelines or requirements that will fundamentally shape your research. Know what those guidelines are at the very beginning. You don't want to start working on it and find out later that you need to start over again. For example, if you are writing a research paper for a college course, you should know how long it should be, what sources can be used, the topics you can choose from, and the deadline to turn it in. Once you understand the parameters, you can set out a schedule to complete the paper on time. <i>This data has been written with https://essayfreelancewriters.com.</i></p><br /><br /><p>Consult research on possible topics. The best way to narrow down a research paper is to see what else has been written on the subject. Consult Google Scholar or do a quick web search to see what the major trends are. For example, if you are taking an American history course and you want to write a research paper on the origins of the American Revolution, you'd probably want to begin by reading other books on the subject. You'll soon realize that historians have discussed the Revolution's origins primarily in political and economic terms, but have given less attention to the social dimensions of the revolutionary experience. So you decide to focus &#8212; broadly &#8212; on the social origins of the American Revolution. Narrow down your subject, if possible. Depending on the size requirements of your paper, you'll need to narrow your research question. Papers that are really short &#8212; 1 to 2 pages &#8212; will need a narrower question than a dissertation spanning hundreds of pages. Let's return to the social origins of the American Revolution. This post was done with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com!</p><br /><br /><p>You might be able to cover this topic in 500 pages, but if you are writing a 20 page research paper for a class, you'll need to focus your topic further. What social group or groups will you focus on in order to address the social origins of the American Revolution? Break down the &quot;social&quot; into categories &#8212; women, racial minorities, farmers, city-dwellers, writers, travelers, businessmen, or children. There are numerous different angles you can take. See what hasn't been written before and then write on that subject. Choose your topic. At some point, you'll need to settle on a topic and begin research. Remember that after the researching phase, you'll probably adjust your topic. This is normal. Everyone does it. Let's say that you've decided to focus on the role of farmers and the American Revolution. Try to formulate a question based on your narrowed field such as: What role did farmers play in the origins of the American Revolution? Formulate several hypotheses. These are potential answers to your research question.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>Use what you know about the topic to surmise possible answers to your question. For example, you could answer the above question (i.e., What role did farmers play in the origins of the American Revolution?) in several ways. Farmers directly participated in public riots against British officers. Farmers refused to sell their crops to British contingents. Farmers refused to quarter British soldiers in their homes. Farmers refused to pay taxes on their goods. It is a good idea to start with several hypothetical thesis statements. If one proves to be false or isn't supported by enough evidence, you can start in a new direction quickly. Make sure your thesis is explicit. Your thesis statement is the key to your entire paper. Be sure to include all necessary information in it, so the reader knows exactly what you'll argue over the course of the paper. For example: The quartering of British soldiers in the homes of poor farmers caused them to protest British taxes and to attack British troops. This is a single sentence thesis statement that addresses both why the farmers chose to revolt and how they did so. Discuss your working thesis statement with others. <i>This data has been done with Essay Freelance Writers .</i></p><br />