As mentioned in a very previous article, 'Instant Relaxation Exercise: Self Massage of Head, Neck and Shoulders', this massage of Chinese origin acts to move the vitality flow from the body in a particular orderly way based on the Chinese system of meridian energy circulation.<br />The benefits to this exercise are most rewarding.<br />This part of the self massage, the arms, belly and legs, we are going to start inside a moment is both relaxing and revitalizing. It literally drains the tensions out in the body while stimulating the vital energy to flow, by gently tapping down the arms and chest.<br />Let's start!<br />Best position is Standing.<br />1 - Make your right hand the shape of a fist and gently tap all the way down the inside with the left arm, right to the fingertips.<br /> toowoomba massage for health turn the give and tap over the outside from the hand and right up to the shoulder, across the shoulder and again along the inside from the arm. Do it three times.<br />You perform the do i think the the left fist on the right arm and shoulder. Then, shake the hands at intervals of side from the body.<br />2 - Using your right fist (or left for left-handed people) gently tap 9 times within the middle top of the chest, the thymus area. massage toowoomba stimulates the defense mechanisms.<br />3 - Hands open, put one give the other and massage in a very circle over the belly, starting for the solar plexus area towards the left side from the body, down across the lower belly and up around the right side. This stimulates the organs. Do this 9 times.<br />4 - Now, the past move is usually to put each open hand over each hip and run them flat down across the outside from the legs, turning them within the feet and returning up running them up on the inside legs. Do either side simultaneously. Do it thrice.<br />Shake your hands at your sides.<br />Close up contact us and feel!<br />This Self Massage only takes 2 minutes, a while to revitalize and destress!<br />This makes an ideal exercise for seniors.