<p>When tackling a narrative essay, it is wise to form a story. In this essay type, you have to base your ideas on personal experiences. Writing has never been easy. Therefore, in case of any complications, a narrative essay example can always aid. To succeed in narrative essay writing and satisfy your target audience, it is wise to tell a story in an organized and exceptionally manner. From the examples of narratives essays available online, your essay should have a plot, the character, setting, climax and conclusion. Additionally, the narrative essay example that you will rely on has details that are choose to explain, support and widen your story. Thus, ensure that your essay follows the same criterion. Surprisingly, the number of people using examples of narrative essays is high. However, many writes do not use these examples as required. Despite using a narrative essay example, originality and creativity is essential. Plagiarism is high discouraged in essay writing. <i>This data has been written with the help of https://essayfreelancewriters.com.</i></p><br /><br /><p>Know the effects of plagiarizing another person&#8217;s work before you use these examples of narrative essays. Legal issues- Plagiarism is highly discouraged and it can lead to legal issues. It is indeed a crime to copy other writers work and it violates person&#8217;s copyright. If you make money from the copied parts, the owner may go to court. Copyright infringement is likely if found guilty of plagiarizing examples of narrative essays. Academic Discipline-Despite facing legal issues, your institution can also punish you. Many colleges and high schools regard plagiarism a breach of academic uprightness and honesty. If caught, you will mostly fail your term paper; get suspension or expulsion from the institution. Become a habit- If you plagiarize examples of narrative essays and get away without getting any punishment, there is likelihood of this becoming a habit. You may never come up with your own words or ideas and this habit may affect you in the end. Damaged reputation and relationship-In most cases, if you are caught plagiarizing examples of narrative essays or any other essay types, there is likelihood of poisoning your relationship with your tutors. Extensive incidents of plagiarism can also ruin your reputation in the institutions and writing sites in general. Students who struggle and come up with their own essays may always see you as a cheat. Critical thinking is essential in essay writing. Always ensure you come up with your own ideas and words when writing essays. Just use a narrative essay example to get the writing guidelines. Get exceptional essay topics/ideas only from the best essay writing company. Also solicit for cheap paper writing help and essay help. <i>Content has been generated with https://essayfreelancewriters.comversion.</i></p><br /><br /><p>Although I do need to work on adding content to my writing, the second area that I need to improve is style. Style is the choice, use, and arrangement of words and sentence structure that creates tone and voice. I need to improve my skills in this vital element of writing. As I examined each of my individual writings, I noticed that if I had problems connecting the prompt topic with my life, I had a troublesome time incorporating style into my writing. I came to this conclusion by reviewing all of my writings and noticing the prompts that I received all of the possible points for style were ones that I could easily connect with my life. I observed that it was especially easy for me to integrate style into my writing when I was passionate about the topic as well. I received a sum of seventeen points out of the possible twenty, after totaling all of my scores for this area. This score informs me that I did not continually show a precise and illustrative use of a variety of words and sentence structures to create consistent writer&#8217;s voice and tone appropriate to the audience.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>There are a few methods that I think I can use to improve my scores in the category of style. One way to do this is to brainstorm experiences in my life that could possibly connect with the topic before I start to write. I feel that this will really help me to incorporate style into my writing because I can select the experience that I can best relate to the topic and the one that I am most passionate about. For example, the obstacle writing&#8212;about my eating disorder&#8212;seemed effortless to write. I am extremely passionate about the topic I chose as my obstacle, and the words just flowed from my mind onto the paper when I was writing about it. My style involuntarily incorporated itself into my writing. Subsequently, if I can always select an experience that I am passionate about and can connect to the topic I am given, I am more likely to have better style. <i>This data was written by Essay Freelance Writers .</i></p><br /><br /><p>Another way to improve my scores in the area of style is to make my essay into a fictional story. I believe that this would aid in adding style to my writing because when I invent an anecdote my writing flows more freely. Therefore, my style would most likely appear effortlessly as I wrote, and I would not have to toil exceedingly hard to place it in the writing. I find that natural style in writing is better than style that has to be intentionally added. I could have done this in one prompt that I had difficulty writing. It was the lesson prompt. I was supposed to describe a lesson that I learned in school and write about what it taught me. I feel that if I would have made the writing into a fictional story, instead of trying to connect it with a recent lesson I learned, I could have scored higher in the style category.</p><br />