Make your Own GPS Pet Tracker with TinyDuino <br />If you have a patio pet and are curious what they get up to during the day, this TinyDuino-based collar may be just the right project for you. It doesn't simpler and track location remotely, truly does log GPS coordinates that you can download whenever you want to execute a little pet-snooping. <br /> Make Your Own GPS Pet Tracker with TinyDuino over at Make has put together another fun-looking project. When you can buy commercial products that let you track your animal remotely via GPS, that isn't really what this build is all about. Instead, Make Your Own GPS Pet Tracker with TinyDuino logs GPS coordinates to a microSD credit cards. You can download the data to a computer at the end of the day and view it in something like Google Earth, complete with time postage. So aside from being Lost Vehicle_ GPS Asset Tracking to the Rescue , it is a fun way to actually see your pet's daily wanderings. <br />From Amazon <br />GMG may get paid <br />Buy now <br />To placed together, etc TinyDuino microcontroller (much choose to Arduino Uno, but smaller), a GPS TinyShield, coupled with a microSD TinyShield. Check the actual full build instructions at Make.

make-your-own-gps-pet-tracker-with-tinyduino-29778.txt · Dernière modification: 28/02/2020 15:43 par sears78fournier
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